Natural BEauty and HEalth tips

Natural Beauty Tips

Whatever beauty treatment you choose to implement, make sure you stick to it and perform it on daily basis for a long-lasting effect.

* Apply a coating of lemon over your face. If you have an oily skin then this will reduce lubricant and improve your complexion.
* Blend lemon juice with two tablespoons of milk and cream. Rub the mixture on your face and neck and massage it for sometime. Then wash it off. Perform this on regular basis.
* Take one tablespoon of cucumber juice, mix in a few drops of limejuice, a tinge of turmeric powder and blend it well. Apply the mixture and leave it for one hour. Remove it with normal water. This paste is the best whitener for all kinds of skin.

* Slice tomatoes into half and apply it over your face. This will purify the pores and will tone up as well as whiten your skin.
* Dip a piece of cotton wool in normal milk and apply it on your face. To cleanse your skin apply it smoothly all over the face.
* Crush a few cabbage leaves and take out the juice. Melt some yeast in it and add a teaspoon of honey to the mixture. Blend it well and rub it in thick coats over your face and neck. After fifteen minutes wipe the paste with cotton wool dipped in water. This skin aid is for combating dry skin.
* Apply ice covered in cotton wool smoothly on your face to close the open skin pores.
* Mix some carrot and orange juice with a cup of milk. Apply this paste on regular basis to treat smallpox marks.
* Gently rub a paste of glycerine, limejuice and sugar to remove dead skin from the face.
* Combine a teaspoon of turmeric powder with sandal powder, cream and Bengal gram flour. Blend it and make a paste of the mixture. Rub it at least once on regular basis. This beauty treatment will refresh your skin.
* Compress some watermelon juice and rub it for fifteen minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water and splash some cold water after that. This mixture clears skin blemishes.
* Mix a half teaspoon of honey with a teaspoon of limejuice. Add a few drops of milk into it. Blend it well and rub it over your face for fifteen minutes. This paste will have a gentle bleaching effect on an oily skin.

Health Tips

* Don't forget the importance of climbing up the stairs, taking your pet out for a walk or mowing the lawn. Discover a new way everyday to move your body. The limb movements not only keep you fit but is a great stress buster. Go to gym, attend aerobic classes or any dance classes. If you are thinking of some kickboxing then do it.
* Avoid fatty food such as burgers, pork, bacon, salami, sausage, and dairy products such as milk, cream and cheese in large quantities. Remember, nuts, sandwich meats, mayonnaise, margarine and butter should be eaten in restrained quantities.
* Do not smoke. Warn your kids from the 'tough guy' attitude of silver screen smokers.
* Reduce depression. Some techniques suggested by the doctors are think positively, give 30 minutes to your hobby everyday, soak yourself in hot tub, read a good book, meditate, get a massage or watch movie with friends. Ignore people who irritate you and do not lose your temper often.
* Latest studies make a direct association between long life and teeth flossing. Individuals who floss their teeth regularly are inclined to be more health conscious as compared to individuals who don't.
* Say no to binge drinking. However, recent research states that a glass of wine or any other alcohol consumed once a day protect against heart ailments but on the negative side it can lead to other diseases such as liver and kidney disease or cancer.
* Think positive. There is a strong relation between living healthy and thinking positively. Remember, you can't be unfit when you are grinning or singing

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