Dry Cough Remedies

Dry Cough Remedies

Coughing is a natural reflex of the body
when the throat comes into contact with some irritant. A cough may happen when a person is choking since this is a method used to remove the offending item from the throat. In general, a cough is used to send mucus up the throat into the mouth. This happens when there is an infection in the throat. 
The body secretes mucus around the infection in order to trap the germs and send them out. It is therefore essential to spit out any mucus that has been brought up in a cough. A cough with such fluid is often known as a phlegm cough.

A dry cough is a type of cough that has no mucus in it. It is usually a type of cough that occurs when there is an irritation in the throat passage. This irritation causes a mild inflammation or itch to develop in the throat. 
Coughing occurs simply because of the irritated throat lining. There are some known causes for dry cough. When a person has ingested food or water in a way that has not gone down well, a cough may result. 
A dry cough can occur due to an asthma problem that affects an individual. Smoke and other environmental pollution could also cause dry coughing. There are also particular types of dust and pollen that can cause this problem. Typically, a dry and low humidity environment is required for a condition of dry coughing to persist.

Typically, dry cough remedies are designed to soothe the throat and reduce the irritation, therefore reducing the coughing. 
The best form of dry cough treatment is through the consumption of herbal teas. Apart from providing warm relief and lubrication to the throat, the herbal tea will also have some useful substances that can help reduce the severity of the irritation. The best recommendation for this problem is any type of green tea, mixed with honey. 
Ginger tea is another warm drink that can help with a dry cough. Drinking warm water will provide some dry cough relief as it lubricates the throat and may wash down some of the irritants that are causing the coughing symptoms. 
There are also many different dry cough diets that are recommended. While these vary from culture to culture, one thing that can be avoided when suffering from a dry cough is excessively dry food or food that has a lot of spice in it. This will probably aggravate the cough.

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